iCare - International Conference on Applied Research in Economics
18 сентября 2013 (ср), 0:00 20 сентября 2013 (пт), 0:00

Место проведения
Пермь, ул. Ленина, 70

18 сентября 2013 (Среда), 0:00

iCare - International Conference on Applied Research in Economics

The HSE — Perm is organizing International Conference on Applied Research in Economics: Empirical Analysis of Markets & Enterprises to be held in Perm on September 18-20, 2013. The conference aims at providing a high level academic forum on the subject theme by bringing international participants together in Russia. It is the first conference on the topic in Perm, and we are going to make it regular. For more information, please visit http://perm.hse.ru/icae/.
Регистрация на событие закрыта

We are sorry, the registration is closed. It is either because too many observers have already registered or the registration term has expired. For details, please refer to the conference organizers.

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